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Boundary Layers

A. Anand, L. Nikolaidou, A. Laskari, C. Poelma

Development Of A Turbulent Boundary Layer Over An Air Cavity

A. Anand, L. Nikolaidou, A. Laskari, C. Poelma

Multiphase Systems, Department of Process & Energy, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

J. Härter, R. Poser, B. Weigand, G. Lamanna

Impact Of Porous-Media Topology On Turbulent Fluid Flow: Time-Resolved PIV Measurements

J. Härter, R. Poser, B. Weigand, G. Lamanna

Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics, University of Stuttgart, Germany

M. Shehzad (1), B. Sun (1), D. Jovic (1), Y. Ostovan (2), C. Cuvier (2), J.M. Foucaut (2), C. Willert (3), C. Atkinson (1), J. Soria (1)

Intense large-scale motions in zero and adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers

M. Shehzad (1), B. Sun (1), D. Jovic (1), Y. Ostovan (2), C. Cuvier (2), J.M. Foucaut (2), C. Willert (3), C. Atkinson (1), J. Soria (1)

(1) Laboratory for Turbulence Research in Aerospace & Combustion (LTRAC) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia

(2) CNRS, Laboratoire de Mécanique des fluides de Lille Kampé de Fériet, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France

(3) German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Propulsion Technology, Köln, Germany

F. Scarano, K. U. Kempaiah, M. Kotsonis

PIV Analysis Of Skin Friction And Coherent Structures In Turbulent Drag Reduction Regimes

F. Scarano, K. U. Kempaiah, M. Kotsonis

Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Y. H. Tee (1,2), E. K. Longmire (1)

Understanding The Effect Of Turbulent Structures On Three-Dimensional Sphere Motions In Boundary Layers

Y. H. Tee (1,2), E. K. Longmire (1)

(1) Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota, U.S.A.

(2) Dept. of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

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