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PIV Processing Algorithms and Data Assimilation

E. Saredi A. Sciacchitano, F. Scarano

A Novel Multi-Step Multi-Exposure PTV Algorithm With Adaptive Time Separation

E. Saredi A. Sciacchitano, F. Scarano

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

A. Güemes (1), C. Sanmiguel Vila (2), S. Discetti (1)

Assessing Super-Resolution GANs For Randomly-Seeded Particle Fields

A. Güemes (1), C. Sanmiguel Vila (2), S. Discetti (1)

(1) Aerospace Engineering Research Group, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

(2) Sub-Directorate General of Terrestrial Systems, Spanish National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA), Ctra. M-301, Km 10,500, 28330, San Martín de la Vega, Spain

S. J. Beresh, N. E. Miller, E. J. Parish, M. F. Barone, J. Ray

Creating Data-Driven Turbulence Models Using PIV

S. J. Beresh, N. E. Miller, E. J. Parish, M. F. Barone, J. Ray

Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, 87185, USA

B. Sun (1), M. Shehzad (1), C. Willert (2), J.-M. Foucaut (3), C. Cuvier (3), Y. Ostovan (3), C. Atkinson (1), J. Soria (1)

High Spatial Resolution 2C-2D PIV Measurements Using A 47 MPx Sensor Of High Reynolds Number Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow

B. Sun (1), M. Shehzad (1), C. Willert (2), J.-M. Foucaut (3), C. Cuvier (3), Y. Ostovan (3), C. Atkinson (1), J. Soria (1)

(1) Laboratory for Turbulence Research in Aerospace & Combustion (LTRAC), Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Monash University (Clayton Campus), VIC 3800, Australia

(2) German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Propulsion Technology, Köln, Germany

(3) Univ. Lille, CNRS, ONERA, Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, Centrale Lille, UMR 9014 - LMFL - Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides de Lille (LMFL) - Kampé de Fériet, F-59000, Lille, France

L. Manickathan, C. Mucignat, I. Lunati

Higher-Order Accurate Neural Network For Real-Time Fluid Velocimetry

L. Manickathan, C. Mucignat, I. Lunati

Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Laboratory of Multiscale Studies in Building Physics, Dübendorf, Switzerland

J. Floquet (1), F. Champagnat (1), S. Beneddine (2)

Physics-Driven PTV Interpolation Through Learned Regularization

J. Floquet (1), F. Champagnat (1), S. Beneddine (2)

(1) ONERA the French Aerospace Lab, Information Processing and Systems Department, Palaiseau, France

(2) ONERA the French Aerospace Lab, Aerodynamics Aeroelasticity Acoustics Department, Meudon, France

D. Di Carlo (1), D. Heitz (2), T. Corpetti (1)

Post Processing Sparse And Instantaneous 2D Velocity Fields Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks

D. Di Carlo (1), D. Heitz (2), T. Corpetti (1)

(1) Univ. de Rennes 2, LETG, CNRS, Rennes, France

(2) INRAE, OPAALE, Rennes, France

C. Velten (1), M. Ebert (2), C. Lessig (2), K. Zähriger (1)

Ray-Tracing Based Reconstruction Of PIV Measurements In The Outlet Zone Of Gaseous Flow In Packed Beds

C. Velten (1), M. Ebert (2), C. Lessig (2), K. Zähriger (1)

(1) Lab. of Fluid Dynamics and Technical Flows, Ot-tvoon-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany

(2) Dept. of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany

P. García-Caspueñas, S. Discetti

System Identification For Enhanced Flow Description From Multi-Pulse PIV

P. García-Caspueñas, S. Discetti

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Aerospace Engineering Research Group, Madrid, Spain

A. Nicolas (1), F. Zentgraf (2), M. Linne (1), A. Dreizler (2), B. Peterson (1)

Wavelet-Based Optical Flow For High-Resolution Velocimetry In Wall-Bounded Fluid Flows

A. Nicolas (1), F. Zentgraf (2), M. Linne (1), A. Dreizler (2), B. Peterson (1)

(1) Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

(2) Reactive Flow and Diagnostics, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

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