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Two-Phase Flows

D. Ribeiro (1), M. R. O. Panão (2), J. Barata (1), A. R. R. Silva (1)

Analysis And Visualization Of The Perturbations Imposed On The Liquid Film By Crown Sheet Collapse Or Closure

D. Ribeiro (1), M. R. O. Panão (2), J. Barata (1), A. R. R. Silva (1)

(1) AEROG, LAETA, Aeronautics and Astronautics Research Center, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã Portugal

(2) ADAI, LAETA, Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica Industrial, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

J. H. Kim (1), D.B.Hann (1), K. Johnson (1), C. N. Eastwick (1), A.V. Cherdantsev (2)

Can Simultaneous PIV In The Gas And Liquid Phases Provide Insight Into The Transfer Of Momentum Between The Two Phases?

J. H. Kim (1), D.B.Hann (1), K. Johnson (1), C. N. Eastwick (1), A.V. Cherdantsev (2)

(1) University of Nottingham, UK

(2) Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia

R. Azadi, D. S. Nobes

Experimental Investigation of a Cavitating Water Flow With the Addition of Drag-
Reducing Agents

R. Azadi, D. S. Nobes

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada

B. Espenhahn (1), L. Schumski (2), D. Stöbener (1,3), D. Meyer (2,3), A. Fischer (1,3)

Flow Field Measurements Of The Grinding Cooling Liquid Jet

B. Espenhahn (1), L. Schumski (2), D. Stöbener (1,3), D. Meyer (2,3), A. Fischer (1,3)

(1) Bremen Institute for Metrology, Automation and Quality Science (BIMAQ), University of Bremen, Germany

(2) Dept. of Manufacturing Technologies, Leibniz-Institute for Materials Engineering (IWT), Germany

(3) MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes, University of Bremen, Germany

M. Bruschewski (1), W. Hogendoorn (2), D. Frank (1), W-P. Breugem (2), C. Poelma (2), S. Grundmann (1)

Measurements In Particle-Laden Flows Using Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry: Time-Averaged Particle Concentration And Intrinsic Fluid Velocity

M. Bruschewski (1), W. Hogendoorn (2), D. Frank (1), W-P. Breugem (2), C. Poelma (2), S. Grundmann (1)

(1) University of Rostock, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Rostock, Germany

(2) Delft University o f Technology, Multiphase Systems, Delft, The Netherlands

Y. Murai, D. Saitoh, H. J. Park, Y. Tasaka

Rainbow-Color Imaging Of Microbubbles Strongly Clustering In A Turbulent Boundary Layer

Y. Murai, D. Saitoh, H. J. Park, Y. Tasaka

Laboratory for Flow Control, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan

P. Kováts. K. Zähringer

Statistical Analysis Of Bubble Parameters From A Model Bubble Column With And Without Countercurrent Flow

P. Kováts. K. Zähringer

Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics and Tevhnical Flows, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany

S. T. L. Relph, K. T. Kiger

Wave Transformation And Air Entrainment By A Harmonically Forced Plunging Jet

S. T. L. Relph, K. T. Kiger

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Maryland, College Park, USA

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